Here is a picture of Patrick riding his bike. See how he wears his helmet when he rides his bike. Patrick only rides his bike when someone older is watching him.

Patrick is learning his alphabet and numbers before he goes to kindergarten. Can you say the alphabet boys and girls?

That was great boys and girls! You will see more of the alphabet later on. It's so important to know your alphabet. Now can you say your numbers and count up to 25?

You count your numbers very well boys and girls. Now it is time to go to Patrick's kindergarten class. Just click on the words or pictures below and you will see what Patrick is learning when he goes to kindergarten. Also at the bottom of each page is a link you can click on and print out each page.

This is the home page of Patrick's Kindergarten class  Here are some different shapes  Here are the numbers from 1 to 10  Learn about the different colors

This is the alphabet from A to F  This is the alphabet G to L  This is the alphabet from M to R  This is the alphabet from S to Z

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